


Admissions 2023-24

Admissions 2024-25

Admissions 2025-26

Admissions 2026-27 

Animals and Pets


Antibullying – Pupil Speak

Art & Design

Asbestos Management

Assessment Policy


Attendance and Punctuality

Pupils with Additional Health Needs Attendance

Behaviour Communication and Relationships

Priory Calculation Protocol


Charging and Remissions

CiC or LAC

Collective Worship



Data Protection

Design & Technology

Drug & Alcohol Education

Early Reading & Phonics

Early Years

Educational Visits

Emergency Procedures



Extra Curricular Activities

First Aid

Freedom of Information

Freedom of Information Publication Scheme


Health and Safety

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Risk Assessment

Healthy Eating


Home Learning

Home School Agreement


Initial Teacher Training

Intimate Care

Lost Children

Marking and Feedback



Modern & Foreign Languages

Online Safety Handbook

Physical Education

Presentation and Handwriting

PREVENT Policy S-o-T Safeguarding Board


Relationship and Sex Education

Religious Education

Remote Learning

Remote Learning Home School Agreement

Safeguarding and Child Protection

School Uniform




Separated Parents

Sun Safety

Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs

Teaching and Learning

Unacceptable Behaviour of Visitors


Latest News:

20 May 2024

New Intake Meeting – Nursery and Reception September 2024

📌 We are holding a meeting for Parents/Carers of children who have been offered places in Nursery and Reception for September 2024. Please come along and join us on Tuesday 11th June at 9:30am. You’ll have the opportunity to chat …Continue reading

29 Apr 2024

Sports Day 2024

Sports Day will take place on Wednesday 22nd May, at the following times: • Year 1 and Year 2 – 9:15 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. • Nursery and Reception – 10:45 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. • Year 3 and Year …Continue reading

11 Mar 2024

Easter Fun at St Matthias

St Matthias Church would like to invite you to join them for a morning of Easter fun!

16 Feb 2024

3 Steps to Change

🌎 Please see the link and QR code below to the 3 Steps to our Change Forms Survey: 3 Steps to Change Survey             ♻️ The children and staff have started to complete it and …Continue reading

7 Feb 2024

Sustainability Library Books

🌎 FOPS have very kindly donated funds to provide these beautiful books for our new Sustainability Section in the library. 🙏 Thank you to FOPS and everyone who supports their fundraising events. 🌈 #Team Priory #sustainablesbmat

16 Jan 2024

Sustainability Update – Spring Term 2023/24

Last term, we made a great start in raising awareness about climate change and sustainability.  We: appointed Advocates of Earth took part in the Pupil Parliament with St Bart’s MAT joined the National Education Nature Park took part in the …Continue reading

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