Nursery News! Spring 1: Who Helps Us?


Wow – what a question!

Nursery have been finding out all about different people who help us. The children interviewed Miss Keen, Mrs Hawksworth, Mr Taylor and Mrs Lovatt when trying to find out who helps us at school.

Nursery then helped Mrs Goggins of Greendale Post Office when Postman Pat hurt his leg. They found out what Postman Pat does and even visited the Post Office to send letters to their parents!

We had a visit from Mrs Cummings from Hanford Dental Practise so we could find out which toothbrush a crocodile would use. We learnt all about how we all need different sized toothbrushes and Nursery bought theirs in from home to practise brushing their teeth!

To help us to work out “Who uses a wrench?” we had a visit from Mr Hissey the mechanic and we learnt all about the tools mechanics use. Nursery even walked to a local garage to watch the cars going up the ramps – phew!

In the upcoming weeks we are answering the question – How do the fire service help us and will be having a visit from Red Watch on 5th February. Nursery have loved getting out and about and finding out “Who Helps us?”!

Categories: News
This post was written by , posted on January 30, 2014 Thursday at 10:03 pm

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