Reading Rocks!

  • In school we are working hard to support the children in learning to read and to promote a love of reading. Each English unit of work is based around a high-quality text and the children read both as a class and individually (KS2) each day. The children can access the school library each dinner time and we have a large variety of books for the children to read in the AR reading system.

    We have a range of reading incentives to encourage the children to rise to the reading challenge. These include:

    Crack the Code – the children have to read and have their diaries signed by an adult at least 3 x per week (if reading book banded books) or score 100% in the quiz on their reading book (if reading books from the AR system). The children then have a go at entering a 3 digit code to open the lock box. If successful the child wins a book (chosen from a selection of new books) a book mark and a bar of chocolate to enjoy.

    Word Millionaire – as part of the AR system (KS2) the children work towards reaching 1,000,000 words by passing their AR quizzes. Rewards are given out at the end of the year by our sponsor.

    Reading Rocks Boxes – each year group has a box, that goes home with a different child each week, with the aim to add a page celebrating a text they have enjoyed and would like to share with other children.

    Reward trips to Trentham Academy – children have been selected to attend reading celebration events at the high school where they have had access to the reading lounge, have read and shared stories with pupils from Trentham, taken part in a range of reading related activities and been treated to some lovely refreshments.

    Book Club – an after school book club available for Y5/6 during Spring term.

    Themed eventsWorld Book Day is coming up on 2nd March. As part of our celebrations this year we will be inviting the children to dress up as a character from a story. There is lots of different ideas for what to dress up as, including many that can be homemade outfits. More details of this to follow later this half term.

    Book Fair – we will be holding a Scholastic Book Fair in school with books available to purchase from Monday 6th – Wednesday 8th February. The last fair was a huge success and allowed us to purchase lots of new books for the AR system and school library. We are hoping this year’s fair will be just as successful.

Categories: News
This post was written by , posted on January 12, 2023 Thursday at 1:39 pm

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