Year 4 Eco Warriors Make Their Point Heard


There has been much excitement in Year 4 after they received a set of replies from our local MP Mr. Robert Flello.

Concerned about the impact of overfishing and pollution on global sealife, the children wrote to Mr. Flello to see if he could raise the issue in parliament and promote awareness. Mr Flello replied with an individually addressed letter to each child responding in detail to their concerns.

He noted that he was “…particularly interested by your concerns over the use (of hagfish) to make hats and coats…”

He also encouraged children to “… spread the word on the dangers of overfishing,” and thanked the children for educating him further about the topic.

Thank you to Mr. Flello and his office for taking the time to reply in such detail to our children.

Categories: News
This post was written by , posted on May 21, 2014 Wednesday at 2:55 pm

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